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Company info:
All trades made through this website are between you, the customer, and

Hv. Strandvej 93A
2650 Hvidovre
CVR-nr 29 33 17 15

Order confirmation:
All orders are automatically confirmed (by e-mail) You can always follow your order status by following the link provided in your order confirmation or by entering your member account. Order status is at the top left of the order page.
Orders to be paid by bank transfer will be valid for 10 days from the order date, after which they will be automatically canceled.

Orders can be paid in the following ways:
Credit cards: The graphics in the right column shows what cards we accept.
Interware uses a payment gateway from Quickpay. Communication with this payment is tested by pbs. All map data is sent encrypted.
If we are not able to deliver the entire order, we can reduce your payment to the new order total. We can not increase the amount if you want to add one or more product lines.
You can also make the payment by bank transfer to the following account.
Bank information:
Registrationnumber: 5025
Accountnumber: 1246406
Iban.: DK5650250001246406
Jyske Bank
Hvidovrevej 87 A
2650 Hvidovre
All prices include VAT. unless otherwise stated, and are subject to: price increases, currency changes, force majeure, tax changes, sold out and typographical errors.